RAYNET websites

The links below are Groups and organisations that are known to have websites. This is not an exhaustive list and we would be happy to receive links for other groups.

If you want to request a link to your group's Web Page, please contact the IT Service Desk quoting your URL. All that we ask in return is that you keep your site relevant and provide a link back to this site.

If you are looking for a RAYNET group and it is not included here, please consult the zone pages or contact the the Zonal Co-ordinator for the particular area.

The provision of a link to any external website does not necessarily indicate endorsement of that website or any of its content.

UK Groups

North East England

Yorkshire and Humberside

East Midlands

East Anglia

South East England

South West England


West Midlands

North West England


Channel islands

A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2771954.
Registered office 9 Conigre, CHINNOR, Oxfordshire OX39 4JY.
Charity registered in England and Wales number 1047725 and in Scotland number SC046184.