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Welcome to the home of
RAYNET-UK is the UK’s national voluntary communications
service provided for the community by licensed radio amateurs. |
RAYNET was formed in 1953 following the severe East coast
flooding, to provide a way of organising the valuable resource
that Amateur Radio is able to provide to the community.
Since then, it has grown into a very active organisation
with around 2000 members, providing communication assistance
on many hundreds of events each year.
Amateur Radio operators have access to a wide range of radio bands,
operating modes and equipment which allows RAYNET to offer a unique
range of emergency communication services to our user services. Coupled
with our members endless resourcefulness, RAYNET is regarded as a
professional support organisation by both the statutory and volunteer
emergency service organisations.
This website exists to promote the work of RAYNET in the UK, provide
information for prospective users of RAYNET's services, act as a
link with the membership and provide support at all levels. This
is achieved by providing a one-stop resource, tailored to the needs
of each and regularly updated.
Find your local group details and join RAYNET
Discussion Yammer |
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Checkpoint Magazine |
RAYNET-UK's own magazine
RAYNET Intranet |
RAYNET-UK's own Intranet
Members Area |
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Microsoft 365 |
Login to RAYNET Microsoft 365 Account